Products & Services

View our range of products and services, and learn how they can help you meet your communication needs.
Cloud Services

Cloud is a second home for your data and business application given its cost, capabilities and flexibility. Migrating to the cloud is a challenge due to security concerns, data volume, data classification, apps dependencies and a lot more. Our focused assessment service for migration and cloud-of-clouds for cloud services integration is the best toolset and framework for your business migration plans with ease, low risk and high return.


Designing solutions and using cases that enhances your business goals and delivers flexible solutions that matches your budget with a fresh techie look is no more a big goal with our hosted and on premises solutions designed with the human in mind.

Cyber Security

Data is the organization crown jewel, it should be classified, processed and protected. Cyber Security is a business problem not a technological one, it involves more than hardening your perimeter defenses, it includes knowledge, understanding and most importantly decisions to be taken by leaders of the organization.

Data Center

Digital economy requires a lot of connectivity, data storage and computing power, so it’s logical to assume that Data Centers are at the heart of this digital age where all the assets (Data) transacts and lives. New Data Center integrate digital technologies to make services more efficient, reduce resources consumption and help the environment.

IoT/Smart Solutions

Data analytics is today’s business enabler, you are a retailer or a hospital, a hotel or a large corporate, a government customer service or a university. We all have customers that we need to attend their expectations and serve their interests. Our data analytics solutions provide you insights and foresights to have a better data driven decision and better performance indicators. Marketers can implement campaigns and do A/B testing. Operators will have better utilization and asset management. The use cases are endless and we have the right solution and capabilities

Managed Security & Network

Big market, high competition, complex solutions or rigid compliance and regulation. No need to limit your plans to what your IT capabilities are today, we got you covered. With our highly skilled engineers and our 24/7 running operation support, our teams cover a large scope of services, technologies and vendors. Whether it’s cybersecurity, network or collaboration we have the right profile for your business to thrive. Services that are always up!

Network Infrastructure

The key element in delivering a business application. Outdated infrastructure characteristics such as manual configuration and management processes, overlay security geared mainly towards external threats, and siloed network domains hinder the network’s ability to further the goals of digital business.

Wireless Solutions

Workspace transformation is the buzz word that resonates with all your workforce, they all like to have their devices connected to the organization’s internet or the organization’s resources to perform their job efficiently as in BYOD. This new workspace wave is changing the way organizations are deploying and managing the resource access and security and putting decision makers under the pressure to balance the performance of their workforce and business goals.

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